CHOTA - How it began

In 2006, it occurred to John G3XYF (a Christian farmer living in East Yorkshire) that it was high time the amateur radio world had “Churches & Chapels On The Air”.
After all, we have Jamboree OTA, Islands OTA, Museums OTA, Mills OTA, the well-known Summits OTA and Lighthouses OTA. Now even Fire Brigades and Preserved Railways are getting in on the act.
Every September on the second Saturday the York Historic Churches Trust (YHCT) hopes all churches and chapels will be open to take visitors on a sponsored basis. The YHCT gives grants to help repair Christian buildings. Any money raised is divided equally between the YHCT and the church or chapel hosting the event.
John thought it would be a good idea to establish an amateur radio station in his church on that day for the benefit of visitors. This would be a double 'advertisement' - for the church hosting the event, and for the hobby of amateur radio - setting up the aerials shouldn't be a problem - most churches after all, have a suitable high point for rigging the antenna!
While there is no compulsion to raise money, John started by asking locals to sponsor him for the number of radio contacts made. His station was located in his own church in Lowthorpe, East Yorkshire – and it had the special call-sign GB0LOW.
CHOTA has developed substantially during the intervening years, and now each year twenty to thirty churches across the UK permit their local radio amateurs to set up stations in aid of this good cause. For details of churches and chapels taking part see WACRAL’s web site at:
If you would like to put a station on for CHOTA, then get permission from your local church, apply for a GB call from Ofcom, and let John G3XYF ( ) know so that your event can be added to the list. It is also a good idea send SAE’s to your RSGB QSL sub manager if you intend to collect QSL cards and add your GB call sign to with details of your GB station.
Just a few things to remember if you are thinking of running a CHOTA station:
1 Ensure you have the permission of the vicar / minister and church elders / PCC
2 If rigging antenna on the church tower ensure again you have permission.
3 Publicise your station in the local press / social media.
4 Most stations use a 100w transceiver and a doublet or G5RV type antenna. A linear amp is a help in poor conditions. Most activity is 80 and/or 40m ssb. The longer distance QSO on 20m impresses the visitors. 10am to 4pm is the usual activity period.
5 Before the day send John details of your station, name of church, town / village, county, Postcode, Locator and WAB square (if known) + contact email.
6 Send a short report and a photo of your CHOTA station for publication in RadCom and the WACRAL newsletter to