Prayers On The Air
For many years, the Prayer Slot had been a regular feature of the Sunday morning 80m UK Good News Net: more recently members have been able to receive the prayer requests by e-mail. Initially, the Prayer Slot was faithfully controlled by Harold, G4YRH. Countless WACRAL members, families and friends have been supported by the power of prayer and during those years, Harold collated the requests for prayer and transmitted them with sensitivity and humility: they are requests for prayer - we have not been transgressing our licence regulations by actually praying over the air. We have simply asked members to add the requests to their own prayers.
Sadly, Harold is now Silent Key. So, we continue to build on the foundation laid by Harold. There has been a change of name from The Prayer Slot, to Prayers on the Air and we have entrusted the handling of Prayers on the Air to others who continue to serve the club in this way.
When can I hear Prayers on the Air?
This regular feature is now transmitted at 7:45 and 08:15 Local UK Time on every Sunday morning 80m net [3.747 MHz] and the usual e-mail version goes out sometime over the same week-end.
How can I include someone I know in Prayers on the Air?
The easiest way to request prayer is by e-mail to: prayer.request AT and the e-mail should arrive no later than 18:00 hrs on the Friday before transmission. Please ensure that at least the Christian name of the person being prayed for is included in the request.
Who can use this service?
This service is open to anyone - whether or not you are a member of WACRAL, and you don't even have to be a Christian.
Who can I include in the prayer request?
Absolutely anyone, of any race, creed or country.
What information can be included?
?Prayers on the Air is not only for those in need, but also for occasions of thanksgiving and rejoicing. Let us know your good news so that we can celebrate with you! Please ensure that at least the Christian name of the person being prayed for is included in the request. However, if it is for someone who is in need, or ill, please give their name [and Callsign if appropriate] and just a brief description of their condition. And please do make sure that you have their permission to do this - their information is after all confidential unless they say otherwise. The details will be on the e-mail version, but on subsequent weeks just their name [and Callsign] will appear. Please keep us informed of any developments, and if necessary, this will be brought back onto the 80m net transmission. We rely on members keeping us up-to-date, particularly if the person becomes much better - or, sadly, if they die, in which case we can publicise the funeral arrangements.
How can I receive the regular Prayer Request e-mails?
From your normal e-mail account, send a message to: majordomo @ The message will not need a subject. Put the following into the body of the message - in a single line - Subscribe prayer. You should receive an immediate reply from the list server, asking you to confirm your intention to join the list. Instructions are given in the message, but you will need to reply to the confirmation message, and put the authorised reply into the message body. All additional text in your reply can be deleted.
What happens if I have problems subscribing to the list?
If you have any difficulties, you can ask for assistance by sending an e-mail to: prayer-owner @ and a human [!] will assist you with the issues. If you want to contact the prayer manager direct, Bob MW0RHD, the Prayer Station Manager, will be happy to help. His personal e-mail is bobmw0rhd AT [Change the AT to a @ and remove any spaces!]